B Shekari

B Shekari is a visually appealing regular TrueType Arabic font released on the 14th of March, 2011, and published under Omid Moradi (C). It combines smooth and flowing letters with regulated space. Artists find it quite valuable for creating visually appealing content. It has a character set of 288 with a glyph count of 221. B Shekari is compatible with the latest Unicode standards and supports Arabic and Latin.  It has the characteristic elongated and flowing semi-bold letters which gives the feel of Qalam writing. Edges are rounded from the start while sharp at the end with beautiful curves. This type of font is perfect for logos and branding purposes as well as for creative writings such as prose and poetry.

Font Information

Font Family B Shekari
Font Developer Omid Moradi (C)
Language Urdu
Format True Type Font
Weights 1
File Size 18KB

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Character Map

Font Categories

Font Family B Shekari
Font Developer Omid Moradi (C)
Language Urdu
Format True Type Font
Weights 1
File Size 18KB


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