AA Sameer Ropiya

AA Sameer Ropiya is an Arabic font belonging to the AA Sameer font family designed by Sameer Al-Musawi. It’s a monospaced typeface, which means that every character has the same width. AA Sameer Ropiya is also a very readable font, offering a unique handwritten appeal with the unusual letterforms. It offers 219 characters and a glyph count of 431, allowing designers to show their creativity across various platforms easily. The letters are interconnected through a series of loops. These loops evoke a sense of chain links, with each letter seamlessly flowing into the next. The letters are evenly spaced, creating a rhythmic flow that resembles the uniform links of a chain. This type of font can be seen in children’s books and cards. Other than that, it may have very low usability due to its unusual appearance. Moreover, it has compatibility with all the latest Unicode standards and support for Latin and Arabic.

Font Information

Font Family AA Sameer Ropiya
Font Developer Sameer Al-Musawi
Language Urdu
Format True Type Font
Weights 1
File Size 320KB

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Font Categories

Font Family AA Sameer Ropiya
Font Developer Sameer Al-Musawi
Language Urdu
Format True Type Font
Weights 1
File Size 320KB


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