
Ruwudu is a free and open font family designed by Becca Hirsbrunner Spalinger. It is created for Arabic script languages in West Africa that follow the Rubutun Kano style. It is a trademark of SIL International which is a non-profit organization with a global mission to study, develop, and document lesser-known languages around the world. This Quranic-style typeface includes the characters used in languages written in this form of Arabic script, but it may not include the characters required for additional languages. It comes in 4 different weights:

  • Ruwudu Regular
  • Ruwudu Medium
  • Ruwudu Semi Bold
  • Ruwudu Bold

Despite its boldness, the design prioritizes legibility. The characters are well-spaced and distinct, ensuring comfortable reading even at smaller sizes. Released under an open-source license, Ruwudu is available for free download and use. This makes it a great option for personal and even commercial projects, as long as you stick to the licensing terms. Ruwudu has a playful touch through slightly rounded edges and delicate strokes. The letters form a very intricate design when applied to text, making it ideal for writing sacred texts like the Quran.

Font Information

Font Family Ruwudu
Font Developer Becca Hirsbrunner Spalinger
Language Urdu
Format True Type Font
Weights 4
File Size 470KB

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Character Map

Font Categories

Font Family Ruwudu
Font Developer Becca Hirsbrunner Spalinger
Language Urdu
Format True Type Font
Weights 4
File Size 470KB


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