
Hiba is a serif typeface designed by Sabah Ahmed Luximi of House Paola in 2016. The typeface is inspired by old Moroccan matrimonial vow books. It is named after the Arab word for “revelation” and offers many geometric and decorative elements. Hiba is designed for both print and digital platforms and has a range of weights including:

  • Hiba Light
  • Hiba Regular
  • Hiba Bold
  • Hiba DemiBold
  • Hiba Black

It has a large character set, which makes it suitable for writing different types of creative Urdu and Arabic texts. The font is available in a number of languages, layouts, and scripts. It is available free of cost for use on various sources. Hiba is essential to the preservation and promotion of Urdu on digital platforms.

Font Information

Font Family Hiba
Font Developer Sabah Ahmed Luximi
Language Urdu
Format Open Type Font
Weights 5
File Size 152KB

Font Tags

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Character Map

Font Categories

Font Family Hiba
Font Developer Sabah Ahmed Luximi
Language Urdu
Format Open Type Font
Weights 5
File Size 152KB


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