Al Qalam Naqsh

Bold - Curve -

Al Qalam Naqsh, designed by font designer Syed Shakir ul Qadree, presents a cursive style font with handwritten irregularity and swash ornaments. It was released on January 30, 2016. Inspired by the Naskh script, it seamlessly integrates diacritics and vowels, offering 215 characters and 329 glyphs for extensive language compatibility. This font’s dynamic thickness, thick-thin stroke contrast, and impactful strokes provide visual interest, yet may pose legibility challenges at smaller sizes.

Al Qalam Naqsh suggests luxury and elegance with its flowing, decorative style. Therefore, it is best suited for short texts due to its intricate details and challenging readability. Its distinctive aesthetic is due to pointy edges, elongated tails, filled letters, and irregular, uneven spacing. While the font’s fluid cursive style connects letters for smoothness, its ornamental features and dynamic strokes add flair and depth, enhancing its uniqueness. Ideal for creative projects, T-shirt designs, logos, and storybook covers, Al Qalam Naqsh is a bold choice for those seeking a visually striking and culturally resonant font inspired by Islamic calligraphy. Moreover, the font’s compliance with the latest Unicode standards increases its practicality even more.

Font Information

Font Family Al Qalam Naqsh
Font Developer
Language Urdu
Format True Type Font
Weights 1
File Size 50KB

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Font Categories

Font Family Al Qalam Naqsh
Font Developer
Language Urdu
Format True Type Font
Weights 1
File Size 50KB


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