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AA Sameer Kelk


AA Sameer Kelk is a modern Arabic typeface that was released on 30th January, 2016. With support for multiple languages, including Latin, Greek, and Arabic, as well as partial support for Urdu, Persian, and other languages, it offers a glyph count of 355 and a charset of 219 letters. The font follows the traditional Naskh and Nastaliq script with a contemporary touch, highlighting thin and flowing strokes and minimal ornamental elements to give a clean look. Contrasting thick and thin strokes of the font suggest its direct inspiration from Qalam fonts. Moreover, AA Sameer Kelk letterforms are monospaced and elegant with soft curves and sharp angles, making it perfect for your calligraphy projects. The font mimics hand-written calligraphy with variations in angles and stroke thickness, creating a unique and visually appealing design. Plus, the letters are straight and clear, even perfectly readable in smaller sizes. So, it can used in digital interfaces and websites, giving text a professional and sleek look.

Font Information

Font Family AA Sameer Kelk
Font Developer
Language Urdu
Format True Type Font
Weights 1
File Size 74KB

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Font Categories

Font Family AA Sameer Kelk
Font Developer
Language Urdu
Format True Type Font
Weights 1
File Size 74KB


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