Boutros Ads Pro is a bold font that has thick and strong presence. The letters are closely connected and maintains the natural flow of Arabic script. The strokes are thick and heavy and it is giving a dominant look to this font. It has 383 number of glyphs and it is compatible with all Arabic and Latin languages. Mourad Boutros is the designer of this beautiful font. There is a balance between sharp angles and smooth curves that make it highly readable. Boutros Ads Pro is available in 7 different weights, including:
Boutros Ads Pro Bold
Boutros Ads Pro Bold Condensed
Boutros Ads Pro Bold Outline
Boutros Ads Pro Bold Shadow
Boutros Ads Pro Light
Boutros Ads Pro Medium
Boutros Ads Pro Medium Italic
It is perfect for attention grabbing headlines, titles, logos, branding, posters, advertisements, book covers, magazines, social media graphics, and much more. It is best suited for designs where you want the text to be dominant, readable, and stylish.