FF Malmoom

FF Malmoom is an Arabic typeface that was designed by an Arabic font designer Fahd Al Fraikh and was licensed in 2020. The font features thick, rounded strokes and exaggerated curves, making the characters stand out and easily recognizable. This bold presence is perfect for grabbing attention and adding a touch of fun to any project. The lines aren’t perfectly uniform, mimicking the organic feel of hand-drawn lettering. This adds a sense of originality. Its cartoonish style is perfect for books, apps, or animations aimed at young audiences. Its playful nature can add personality to brands targeting children or young adults. Moreover, FF Malmoom has a charset comprising 393 letters and symbols with 432 glyphs, making it a diverse font for various purposes. It also has compatibility with the latest Unicode standards with support for Arabic and Latin. It is highly readable even at lower sizes, the precisely crafted letterforms guarantee that each character stays distinct and clearly visible.

Font Information

Font Family FF Malmoom
Font Developer Fahd Al Fraikh
Language Arabic
Format True Type Font
Weights 1
File Size 21KB

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Character Map

Font Categories

Font Family FF Malmoom
Font Developer Fahd Al Fraikh
Language Arabic
Format True Type Font
Weights 1
File Size 21KB


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