GE MB Farasha

Curve -

The GE MB Farasha is a modern decorative Kufic Arabic font family designed by Mourad Boutros, the founder of Boutros International, and released in January 2021. It is a type foundry specifically specialized in Arabic calligraphy and typography, blending traditional Arabic language values to comply with modern design and typographic needs. Compatible with modern Unicode standards, it has a character set of 296 comprising letters and symbols with a glyph count of 248. Its supporting languages include Arabic and Latin, partially supporting Urdu, Persian, Greek, and more. This typeface comes in 4 different weights, catering to various design needs. These may include:

  1. GE MB Farasha Medium
  2. GE MB Farasha Light
  3. GE MB Farasha Regular
  4. GE MB Farasha Bold

The letterforms of GE MB Farasha draw inspiration from Ottoman-era calligraphy, which is evident in their elongated shapes, delicate curves, and flourish-like elements. The letterforms feature graceful curves and end with delicate serif-like terminals, adding a touch of elegance. Unlike other GE fonts, this one has a unique flowing design used in story books or in types of projects where fiction is involved. Due to its intricate design elements, it has less practicality and use, only for calligraphy or projects requiring some traditional Kufic touch.

Font Information

Font Family GE MB Farasha
Font Developer
Language Urdu
Format True Type Font
Weights 3
File Size 48KB

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Font Categories

Font Family GE MB Farasha
Font Developer
Language Urdu
Format True Type Font
Weights 3
File Size 48KB


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