Noto Sans Arabic UI

Noto Sans Arabic UI, developed by Google, is a diverse sans-serif Unicode font family designed to seamlessly support different Arabic and Urdu scripts, including Arabic, Persian, Urdu, and Pashto. It is designed by Nadine Chahine, Monotype Design Team, and released under the Google Inc. trademark Noto, in 2019. Inspired by the Noto Sans CJK family, this font mainly focuses on simplicity, readability, and cross-platform compatibility in its design philosophy.  What makes Noto Sans Arabic UI stand out is its adaptability. Noto Sans Arabic includes 1,161 characters from 6 Unicode blocks, has several weights and widths, 1,642 glyphs, and 12 OpenType features. Arabic Extended-A, Arabic Supplement, Arabic Presentation Forms-A, Arabic, Arabic Presentation Forms-B, and Basic Latin are among the Unicode blocks it supports. It features subtle curves at the letter junctions and terminals which softens the overall feel. It offers a range of weights and styles including:

  • NotoSansArabic SemiCondensed Light
  • NotoSansArabic SemiCondensed Regular
  • NotoSansArabic SemiCondensed Medium
  • NotoSansArabic Condensed SemiBold
  • NotoSansArabic SemiCondensed ExtraBold

Whether using it for body text with clarity, making flashy bold headings, or improving the visual appeal of your texts. Google has created a great tool that not only honors the complex nature of Arabic characters but also responds to the many typographic demands spotted in different contexts and applications.

Font Information

Font Family Noto Sans Arabic UI
Font Developer Nadine Chahine
Language Urdu
Format True Type Font
Weights 36
File Size 3MB

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Font Categories

Font Family Noto Sans Arabic UI
Font Developer Nadine Chahine
Language Urdu
Format True Type Font
Weights 36
File Size 3MB


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