Riyaz Unicode

Curve - Wide -

Riyaz Unicode, crafted by designer Syed Manzar Hasan Zaidi and published by Axis Softmedia Pvt. Ltd., is an angular font characterized by wide, curly, elongated edges bent inward. Released on October 9, 2017, this font draws inspiration from various Arabic scripts, including Naskh, Kufic, and traces of Ruqaa, resulting in a unique blend of styles. This font is determined to give your text a modern feel with the flair of tradition in the backdrop. With 443 characters and 497 glyphs, the font supports Urdu, Arabic, Latin, Greek, and more across various latest Unicode blocks.

Best suited for short texts due to its decorative nature, this font offers a moderate and constant thickness with delicate strokes. Its distinctive appearance resembles old Egyptian scripts, with wide letters crafted to look like squares, imparting a sense of antiquity. Additionally, the Kufic touch adds a labyrinth-like feel to the terminals, making them more appealing to the reader’s eyes. Ideal for posters, tech designs, T-shirts, and creative projects, this typeface offers versatility and character. Its decorative nature and unique style make it stand out in various applications, allowing designers to create visually engaging compositions easily.

Font Information

Font Family Riyaz Unicode
Font Developer Axis Softmedia Pvt. Ltd.
Language Urdu
Format True Type Font
Weights 1
File Size 63KB

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Font Categories

Font Family Riyaz Unicode
Font Developer Axis Softmedia Pvt. Ltd.
Language Urdu
Format True Type Font
Weights 1
File Size 63KB


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