SF Pro AR Display

SF Pro AR Display is a Naskh-based sans-serif font with a symmetrical appearance. It has a clear composition, and the letters are separated by even spacing. It was released in 2021 by Apple.Inc. Its sleek and geometric appearance prioritizes clarity, ensuring that text remains easily readable. With subtle rounded letterforms and consistent thickness, this font displays a modern and clean aesthetic, minimizing distractions and keeping the focus entirely on your message. Despite its concise character set, this sans-serif font excels in readability thanks to its beautiful design and focus on essential glyphs. With 178 characters and 215 essential glyphs, it ensures that vital information is conveyed crisply and clearly within AR experiences. Moreover, its versatility shines through with two available weights, which makes the font more diverse. These fonts are:

  1. SF Pro AR ​Regular
  2. SF Pro AR SemiBold

As part of the broader SF Pro font family, SF Pro AR Display seamlessly integrates with other Apple products, guaranteeing a cohesive visual experience on screen. Also, with its compatibility with the latest Unicode standards and support for over 150 languages, this font caters to various design and multilingual needs of designers across various platforms. Whether designing mobile applications or interactive posts, this font empowers you to deliver essential information precisely and clearly, enhancing the overall user experience.

Font Information

Font Family SF Pro AR
Font Developer Apple.Inc.
Language Urdu
Format True Type Font
Weights 2
File Size 27KB

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Font Categories

Font Family SF Pro AR
Font Developer Apple.Inc.
Language Urdu
Format True Type Font
Weights 2
File Size 27KB


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