Shifa Italic Unicode

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Shifa Italic Unicode, crafted by designer Syed Manzar Hasan Zaidi and released by Axis Softmedia Pvt. Ltd., introduces a modern twist to Urdu typography with its italicized style. Launched on October 10, 2017, this font draws inspiration from Naskh’s script, infusing it with modern influences for a unique aesthetic. With 444 characters and 497 glyphs, it supports Arabic, Latin, Greek, and Symbols across various Unicode blocks. Despite offering only one font weight (regular), the font stands out for its bold, dynamically changing thickness and impactful strokes. However, its legibility on screens is comparatively low, making it best suited for short-text applications due to its intricate design.

The font’s highly decorative nature is characterized by fat, filled letters with razor-sharp pointy edges and corners, giving off a modern and stylish vibe. With a slight left-to-right slant, Shifa Italic Unicode adds a touch of creativity to any project, making it particularly suitable for horror book covers or posters. Whether for digital or print media, this font makes a bold statement and commands attention with its striking appearance.

Font Information

Font Family Shifa Italic Unicode
Font Developer Axis Softmedia Pvt. Ltd.
Language Urdu
Format True Type Font
Weights 1
File Size 66KB

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Font Categories

Font Family Shifa Italic Unicode
Font Developer Axis Softmedia Pvt. Ltd.
Language Urdu
Format True Type Font
Weights 1
File Size 66KB


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