
Tajawal is a rounded Arabic font family with minimal design elements, offering a clean and understandable appearance. It is a low-contrast Arabic and sans-serif Latin font family that was created and designed by Boutros International in 2017. The font offers a modern geometric style yet still follows the calligraphy rules of the classical Arabic script. It offers 448 characters and a large glyph count of 465, giving it enough flexibility to adapt according to various design requirements. The defining characteristic of this font is its availability in various font weights, making it a versatile choice for different kinds of typographic projects. It offers five weights in total, including:

  1. Tajawal ExtraLight
  2. Tajawal Light
  3. Tajawal Regular
  4. Tajawal Bold
  5. Tajawal ExtraBold

Tajawal has a plain and uncluttered appearance and fine composition. Letters are mono-spaced with constant thickness throughout. Moreover, it has strong strokes even in lighter weights with a compact baseline. The fluid geometry and diversity of this font make it the perfect choice for both print and web applications, such as branding purposes, newspapers, books, logos, formal writing, posters/flyers, and more.

Font Information

Font Family Tajawal
Font Developer Boutros International
Language Urdu
Format True Type Font
Weights 7
File Size 384KB

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Font Categories

Font Family Tajawal
Font Developer Boutros International
Language Urdu
Format True Type Font
Weights 7
File Size 384KB


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