UL Sajid Heading

Bold -

UL Sajid Heading is a modern Urdu font manufactured by UrduLife. With its fat, filled, and wide letterforms featuring small negative spaces, this font offers a dynamic and impactful appearance suitable for attention-grabbing headlines and branding. Inspired by Naskh’s script, UL Sajid Heading exhibits a plain and simple appearance, making it versatile for various design projects. Released on October 10, 2017, this font supports Arabic, Latin, Urdu, and more languages across different platforms.

Despite its extra-thick and condensed nature, it maintains high legibility, making it suitable for short text applications. However, due to its boldness and condensed design, it may pose challenges for reading at smaller sizes, particularly in isolated words. The font’s impactful and strong strokes contribute to its attention-grabbing quality, while its clean and neat look ensures a professional appearance. With equal spacing between letters and horizontal characters appearing thicker than vertical ones, this distinct bold font presents a cohesive and visually enticing aesthetic. Whether used for branding, advertising, business logos, or attention-grabbing headlines, it offers a bold and impactful typography solution for various design projects.

Font Information

Font Family UL Sajid Heading
Font Developer UrduLife
Language Urdu
Format True Type Font
Weights 1
File Size 40KB

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Font Categories

Font Family UL Sajid Heading
Font Developer UrduLife
Language Urdu
Format True Type Font
Weights 1
File Size 40KB


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