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XB Sols


XB Sols is an oblique Qalam writing font designed to exude refinement and sharpness in its appearance, inspired by the elegance of the Nastaliq script. Created by Behnam and released on October 7, 2017, this font is an upgraded and extended version tailored for Mac OS X users. Developed by, the font features 1322 characters and 1212 glyphs, making it suitable for a wide range of typographic applications. With a firm stroke and changing thickness, just like the flow of a Qalam, XB Sols offers a unique visual appeal. It offers four different font weights, providing flexibility for different design needs. These may include:

  1. Regular
  2. Bold
  3. Regular Italic
  4. Bold italic

Best suited for both long textual blocks and shorter snippets, the font ensures easy readability on screens with its high legibility. The font presents a moderately thickened calligraphy style with slanted, monospaced letters and sharp corners. Slightly decorative edges add to its aesthetic appeal, reminding the art of traditional Qalam writing. XB Sols finds applications in calligraphy, religious texts, creative posters, books and branding, and more, thanks to its versatile design. Supporting multiple languages, including Arabic, Latin, Urdu, Persian, and Greek, this font caters to diverse audiences. Moreover, its support for a range of Unicode ensures compatibility across different platforms and applications.

Font Information

Font Family XB Sols
Font Developer Behnam
Language Urdu
Format True Type Font
Weights 4
File Size 846KB

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Font Categories

Font Family XB Sols
Font Developer Behnam
Language Urdu
Format True Type Font
Weights 4
File Size 846KB


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