Zohra Unicode

Naskh -

Zohra Unicode, developed and crafted by Syed Manzar Hasan Zaidi and released by Axis Softmedia Pvt. Ltd., shows the elegance of a handwritten Urdu script with its delicate strokes and flowing terminals. Inspired by Naskh’s script, it features clear letterforms with horizontal emphasis, ensuring readability and clarity across various design projects. With 444 characters and 497 glyphs, the typeface supports multiple languages, including Arabic, Latin, Greek, and Urdu, making it versatile for diverse textual needs. It is ideal for long texts, but it offers high legibility on screen, though its fragile nature may impact readability at smaller sizes.

The font’s plain and simple appearance, characterized by equal spacing, rounded corners, and sharp, thin, elongated edges, adds a touch of class to any design. While it lacks decorative elements, its handwritten style retains a natural charm, making it suitable for posters, books, clothing designs, and more. Zohra Unicode’s compatibility with various Unicode blocks ensures seamless integration into different design platforms, allowing designers to convey their message effectively with clarity and elegance. The font offers a graceful and refined typography solution, whether used for literary works, posters, or clothing design.

Font Information

Font Family Zohra Unicode
Font Developer Axis Softmedia Pvt. Ltd.
Language Urdu
Format True Type Font
Weights 1
File Size 68KB

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Font Categories

Font Family Zohra Unicode
Font Developer Axis Softmedia Pvt. Ltd.
Language Urdu
Format True Type Font
Weights 1
File Size 68KB


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