FF Khallab

Curve -

The FF Khallab, an Arabic font, blends classic aesthetics with a modern touch. It was designed by Arabic font developer Fahd Al Fraikh and licensed in 2016. Khallab is a kufi-inspired Arabic font. The font is available in two styles.

  • FF Khallab Regular
  • FF Khallab Italic

Khallab is derived from the Arabic word for beautiful or charming. Its bold and delightful strokes and style catch the essence of old Arabic calligraphy, making it great for projects that require a touch of heritage. It has a large character set to support various languages, including Latin, Urdu, and Arabic. It consists of 210 characters and symbols, whereas 216 glyphs.  The letterforms are composed of sharp lines and geometric shapes, often with prominent squares and triangles. Its bold presence makes it stand out in large formats. The varying thickness within the strokes of each character creates a sense of movement and rhythm. The rounded edges add a touch of elegance and sophistication to the font, reminiscent of classic calligraphic styles. It can be used in various artistic projects, including branding, calligraphy, and short, attractive headers.

Font Information

Font Family FF Khallab
Font Developer Fahd Al Fraikh
Language Urdu
Format True Type Font
Weights 2
File Size 34KB

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Character Map

Font Categories

Font Family FF Khallab
Font Developer Fahd Al Fraikh
Language Urdu
Format True Type Font
Weights 2
File Size 34KB


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