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Diwani Letter


Diwani Letter is a cursive, flowing, and delicate Arabic font from Microsoft inspired by the traditional Divani script but with a modern twist. Divani is an elegant Arabic script with a sense of movement that can be recognized by its elongated tails and delicate curly edges. It is often used decoratively in calligraphy art, logos, and invitations due to its formal and intricate appearance. Launched on August 29, 2016, it offers 499 characters and symbols that are compatible with multiple languages. This cursive font features varying thicknesses and intricate designs, making it perfect for decorative purposes like branding, logos, and invitations. Although legibility might be a bit challenging at smaller sizes due to its ornate style, Diwani Letter adds elegance and sophistication to any project with its graceful curves and flowing strokes. With cursive letters, elongated ascenders and descenders, decorative loops, and curls, the playful look of this font makes it useful for calligraphy. Moreover, a sharp contrast between thin strokes and the background adds to its overall look and appeal.

Font Information

Font Family Diwani Letter
Font Developer Microsoft
Language Urdu
Format True Type Font
Weights 1
File Size 37KB

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Font Categories

Font Family Diwani Letter
Font Developer Microsoft
Language Urdu
Format True Type Font
Weights 1
File Size 37KB


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