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Unikurd Xatoon


Unikurd Xatoon, designed by Bardaqani, Ardawan, and Azad and released by the Kurd It Group on October 26, 2012, is a bold and geometric Kurdish font characterized by wide letterforms with symmetrical edges and a condensed nature. Drawing inspiration from the Ruqaa script with modern design elements, this font exhibits a distinct geometric and decorative touch, setting it apart from other Arabic fonts. With 358 characters and 339 glyphs, it offers comprehensive language support, including Arabic, Latin, Greek, Urdu, Kurdish, and more. Its constant thickness throughout, along with strong and impactful strokes, ensures high legibility and visual impact.

While its font weight remains in the “normal” category, limiting its adaptability in certain design contexts, Unikurd Xatoon excels in short text applications. Its extra-bold style, featuring square-like letterforms and soft, blunt corners, gives it a modern and welcoming feel. Moreover, the font tends to find optimal usage in headings, book covers, tech branding and logos, t-shirt designs, and more, where its distinctive geometric aesthetic can make a bold statement. With compatibility across various Unicode blocks, including Basic Latin, Arabic, and Mathematical Operators, the font offers versatility and flexibility for designers seeking impactful typography in their projects.

Font Information

Font Family Unikurd Xatoon
Font Developer Kurd IT Group
Language Urdu
Format True Type Font
Weights 1
File Size 24KB

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Font Categories

Font Family Unikurd Xatoon
Font Developer Kurd IT Group
Language Urdu
Format True Type Font
Weights 1
File Size 24KB


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